I was born the daughter of two or three creatives (depending on if you count step parents, which I certainly do). I spent my youth traveling to various art shows and helping my parents sell their whimsical glass art. I was exposed to the most beautiful forms of expression imaginable, and also privy to the secret back end functioning of what it means to be an artist in the marketplace of America.
Now art is simply integrated into my life; woven into my everyday existence in both overt and nuanced ways. From duets to dinner and a family created collage- it is all art.
One of my long term recovery goals was to have an art show. About four years ago I started working on a collection of portraits of women in recovery. These are playful multi media pieces-I break all the rules, using water colors and oil based paint, human hair, egg shells, and recycled egg cartons. Like making soup, whatever is on hand goes into the pot. Clink the link below to see this ever evolving collection.
Secondly, I have started a series of videos that range from social justice rants to mini video blogs. Check them out, and let me know what you think.
“Creativity is contagious, pass it on. ”